** ****************************************************************************************** * ** (ms4 script) - MS4 BI PROFESSIONAL for WINDOWS & WEB- ** ******************************************************************************************* float : totalPercent dec(2),totalPriceByCountry dec(2),totalPriceByEmployee dec(2),TotalPrice dec(2),totalDetailPrice dec(2) ,totalYearbusiness dec(2); Char : formaNum1:128,formatotalEdit:128,formatotalLevel:128,formatotalpercent:128, filestylecss:255; INTEGER : Totalorders,TotalEmployee,totallevelNum,Sql_totalOrderId,totalcountry,TotalordersByEmployee,TotalordersBycountry; INTEGER : totalYearORder; #include "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\02-DEMO-DESKTOP-BI-EXCELandSTANDARD\99-DATABASE\VersionADO\300-00-CreateDBDemoExcel.ms4" GetDirSysPathMS4BI(LpathDataBaseExcel); Concatene LpathDataBaseExcel,"\zInclude\css\StyleReportDesign\standardStyleReport.css" into fileStyleCss; Display "Wait...calculate : totalorder ..(not detail order)"; DBconnect{ms4db}(LEnvDemoExcelDB) ; Ms4_sql{ms4db} ( " Create temporary View [TotalOrderID] as SELECT count(DISTINCT OrderID) as TOTALORDERID from [ms4EmplConsolidationBusiness] "); Ms4_SQLFetch{ms4db}("SELECT * FROM [TotalOrderID] ") Row_ForEach : Sql_totalOrderId := Column_GetData:1,INTEGER; Display "----[TotalOrderID] as SELECT count(OrderID) as TOTALORDERID (column 1) :--->",Sql_totalOrderId; End_Row_ForEach ; DBconnect{Ms4DB}(LEnvDemoExcelDB); Ms4_Query{Ms4DB} option : into $MS4DBTMP (" SELECT DISTINCT a.orderID ,a.employeeid,a.LastName , a.CustomerID , a.ShipName, " + " a.ShipAddress,a.ShipCity,a.ShipRegion,a.ShipPostalCode,a.ShipCountry" + " from [ms4EmplConsolidationBusiness] as a") ; ** Result query in output --> table View temporary MS4 db : $ms4ViewDBtmp Sql_DestroyEnv(); CALL:ms4Script("Ms4wait2"); Setting : Chart : Backgroundcolor : $color_bkms4bi ; ** Declare report Data DECLARE SCHEMA_REPORT : ReportDesign { integer : EmployeeID ,OrderID ; TEXT : LastName , CustomerID , ShipName, ShipAddress,ShipCity,ShipRegion,ShipPostalCode,ShipCountry ; } ; BEGIN_DASHBOARD option : BEGIN type : $TABSTRIP , style : $blue , title : " DASHBOARD : ANALYSIS EXCEL CONSOLIDATION :BUSINESS EMPLOYEE" END ** ***************************************** ** REPORT 1 ** ***************************************** Begin_Report REPORTINPUT : DBconnect { Ms4DB} ($MS4DBTMP) use View ($ms4ViewDBtmp) REPORTFORM:DESIGN Group Order by : ReportDesign.EmployeeID LinkCss : fileStyleCss Start_Design : Report_Header Print : " "; Print : "

Mandragore Planete - Trial Version : business Report 2011-2012-2013 Employee by Orders

",date, time ; Print : " -- ( update style Css : \MandragorePlanete\MS4BI\zInclude\css\StyleReportDesign\xxxxxxxxxxxx.css)-- " ; END_Report_Header Group_Header : 01 ** level : 01 ,02,03 etc.. Print TD : "#### HEADER GROUP LEVEL : #### ", $Level ," Employee ..:", ReportDesign.EmployeeID , ReportDesign.LastName; END_Group_Header DETAIL BEGIN Print TD : "
  • Detail ... : ORDER
  • ", ReportDesign.OrderID , " ship Name :" ,ReportDesign.ShipName,"Ship country :" , ReportDesign.Shipcountry ; /* if ,while, move = instructions aso etc..;*/ Totalorders++; END ; End_Detail Group_Break : 01 Print TD : "End_Group_Break : " $Level ,"Employee :", ReportDesign.EmployeeID, ReportDesign.LastName ,"total Orders: " ,$TotalLEVEL; TotalEmployee++; End_Group_Break ReportTotal Print TD : "


    ", Totalorders ; Print TD : "


    ", TotalEmployee ; End_ReportTotal End_Report ** ***************************************** ** REPORT 2 ** ***************************************** Begin_Report REPORTINPUT : DBconnect { Ms4DB} ($MS4DBTMP) use View ($ms4ViewDBtmp) REPORTFORM:DESIGN Group Order by : ReportDesign.EmployeeID LinkCss : filestyleCss Start_Design : Report_Header print : " "; Print : "

    Mandragore Planete - Trial Version : business Report 2011-2012-2013 Employee by Orders

    " , " Date :",Date , " Time :", Time ; Print : " -- ( update style Css : \MandragorePlanete\MS4BI\zInclude\css\StyleReportDesign\xxxxxxxxxxxx.css)-- " ; Totalorders:=0;TotalEmployee :=0; END_Report_Header Group_Header : 01 ** level : 01 ,02,03 etc.. TotalEmployee++; END_Group_Header DETAIL Totalorders++; End_Detail Group_Break : 01 ** EMPLOYEE clear formatotalEdit,formatotalLevel; totallevelNum :=$TotalLEVEL; Num_Str totallevelNum to formanum1; concatene "

    ",formanum1, "

    " into formatotalLevel ; clear formanum1; Num_Str ReportDesign.EmployeeID to formanum1; concatene "

    ", formanum1, " ",ReportDesign.LastName , "

    " into formatotalEdit; Print TD : "#### Employee : #### ", formatotalEdit,"#### Total Orders : #### " ,formatotalLevel ; End_Group_Break ReportTotal clear formatotalEdit; Num_Str Totalorders to formanum1; concatene "

    ",formanum1, "

    " into formatotalEdit; Print TD : "


    ", formatotalEdit ; clear formanum1,formatotalEdit; Num_Str TotalEmployee to formanum1; concatene "

    ",formanum1, "

    " into formatotalEdit; Print TD : "


    ", formatotalEdit ; End_ReportTotal End_Report; END_DASHBOARD ; Sql_DestroyEnv();