** ****************************************************************************************** * ** MS4BI ** ******************************************************************************************* ** Example : MENU ** ** #include "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\02-DEMO-DESKTOP-BI-EXCELandSTANDARD\99-DATABASE\VersionADO\300-00-CreateDBDemoExcel.ms4" TEXT : LpathMgPlanete,fileHeaderMenuGoogle; GetDirSysPathMS4BI(LpathMgPlanete); Concatene LpathMgPlanete,"\zInclude\Menu\Google\HEADER-Menu.html" into fileHeaderMenugoogle; ** ************************************* ** web MENU : example 2 : google ** ************************************ DBconnect{Ms4DB}(LEnvDemoExcelDB); BEGIN BEGIN_Menu_Web : Custom Linkcss : fileHeaderMenuGoogle BEGIN_Popmenu : Menuitem Id : 10 , " PIE " Menuitem Id : 11 , " BAR " Menuitem Id : 12 , " GRID Form NICE" BEGIN_SubMenu : "" Menuitem Id : 40 , " Report Aggregate " Menuitem Id : 41 , " Report Design 1 " Menuitem Id : 42 , " Report Group " Menuitem Id : 43 , " Report Design 2 " Menuitem Id : 143 , " Report Design 3 " Menuitem Id : 21 ," Contact " Menuitem Id : 22 ," About " End_Popmenu Begin_Sw /* Script Web */
  • MS4BI Menu Trial version Page

    End_Sw END_Menu_Web Begin_MenuID_Web MenuId 10 : FormPlus : DrawPIE, title : "1-PIE Business 2011 by EMPLOYEE " , ANGLE :120 , TYPE : $STANDARD, FORMAT: "$" use View ("[ms4EmplTotalBusiness2011]"), MenuId 11 : FormPlus : DrawBAR, title : "BAR PLOT Business 2011,201,2013 by EMPLOYEE ", Type : $BAR , FORMAT :"$" , Plot : from 1 to 60000 from 60000 to 120000 use View (" [ms4EmplBusinessDollars20111213]") , MenuId 12 : FormPlus : DrawGrid, title :"3-GRID : BUSINESS EMPLOYEE 2011 $ " use View ("[ms4EmplTotalBusiness2011]") , MenuId 21 : FormPlus : DrawQrCODE type : $MAIL ("http://www.mgplanete.com") , MenuId 22 : DrawWindow : "Win1" , actions : $WinCustom + $WinMinimize + $WinMaximize + $WinClose , position : 50, 50,600,1020 TITLE : "My first Window Web: URL" url : "https://demos.ms4bi.com/demo/product.php" , MenuID 40 : Ms4Script_Import : "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\02-DEMO-DESKTOP-BI-EXCELandSTANDARD\5-REPORT\518-ReportAggregSimple.ms4" MenuID 41 : Ms4Script_Import : "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\02-DEMO-DESKTOP-BI-EXCELandSTANDARD\5-REPORT\StylesDesign\540-12-ReportStyleCorner.ms4" MenuID 42 : Ms4Script_Import : "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\02-DEMO-DESKTOP-BI-EXCELandSTANDARD\5-REPORT\510-ReportGroupSimple.ms4" MenuID 43 : Ms4Script_Import : "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\02-DEMO-DESKTOP-BI-EXCELandSTANDARD\5-REPORT\544-Report2LevelRESUME-Detail-Totalise.ms4" MenuID 143 : Ms4Script_Import : "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\02-DEMO-DESKTOP-BI-EXCELandSTANDARD\5-REPORT\StylesDesign\540-10-ReportStyleNewspaper-b.ms4" MenuId 102 : FormPchart : DrawPIE, title : " Business 2011 by EMPLOYEE " , ImageAera : 700, 400 , Radius :120,POSITION :360, 270 , TYPE : $3DPIE, FORMAT: "dollar$" use View ("[ms4EmplTotalBusiness2011]"), MenuId 103 : FormMs4 : DrawGrid , title : " Grid Standard Form MS4 " Option : BEGIN Height : 330, Width : 380 , Footer : Sum, Count,Average END use View ("ms4EmplBusinessDollars20111213") End_MenuID_Web ; END ;