001 | ** ----------------------------
002 | ** generated by Mandragore Planete
003 | ** Time Date : 12:00 07/31/2022
004 | ** ----------------------------
005 | #include  "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\zInclude\includeChart.h" 
006 | #include  "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\zInclude\IncludeDisplay.h" 
007 | #include  "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\zInclude\IncludeSysSqlMs4.h" 
008 | text :lDirCur ,lDirAppDB ,database_name  :="03-ExFamilyBudget.db";
009 | integer : x;
010 | 
011 |  
012 | BEGIN   ** <----Local_PC ------>
013 |  
014 | GetCurrentDir(lDirCur); str_Format(lDirAppDB,"%s%s", lDirCur,database_name);
015 | 
016 | ** ///////////////////NEW TABLE  Family//////////////////////////////////////
017 | DBConnect{Ms4DB}(lDirAppDB);
018 | Ms4_SQL{MS4DB}( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Family ( YEAR    int, PROJECTED    real, MONTH    int, CATEGORY    text, ACTUAL    real )") return (x);
019 | if(x != MS4_SQL_OK)
020 | then
021 | DBClose{Ms4DB}(lDirAppDB);
022 | DBDelete{Ms4DB}(lDirAppDB);
023 | exit ;
024 | end_if ;
025 | 
026 | Call:Ms4Script("Ms4Wait2"); 
027 |  
028 | END ;  ** <----Local_PC ------>
029 |  
030 | ** *----Next---> : Local_SERVER -------------------------< ** 
031 |  
032 | 
033 | 
034 | DBBackup{Ms4db}(lDirAppDB) to ("#WWWMS4BISERVERBACKUP+\03-ExFamilyBudget.db") return (x);
035 | **   if(x =1)then display  "Backup Ok" ; else "Backup ko" ;end_if ;
036 | 
037 | Begin_TransactionWeb : "01-DashBoardMonth" , 
038 |         Cycle : NoCycle ;  
039 |             backgroundColor: color(192,192,192) ; 
040 | ** started !!!
041 |     BEGIN 
042 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  DROP   VIEW IF EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40001   "); 
043 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW IF NOT EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40001  AS  "+ 
044 |          " select   "  + 
          "  distinct  month ,  year "  + 
          "   from family  "  + 
          "  where month=02 and year =2022 "  + 
          "   ");
045 |         position :  31,80,135,257 : 
046 |         Ms4_Query: Custom {ms4db}   
047 |         Option  : 
048 |         BEGIN 
049 |         pagesize:0,
050 |         titlesql:0,
051 |          END 
052 |         begin_sw : 
053 |         <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/ui/content/css/designer/css/tableresponsable0.css'> 
054 |         <table id="ID1"  class='table table-responsive  responsable0 table-shadow' >  
055 |         <style type="text/css">
056 |         #ID1 th { background-color:RGB(0,0,0);color:RGB(238,122,17);font-size:38px    }
057 |         #ID1 td { background-color:RGB(244,210,91);color:RGB(0,0,0);font-size:28px    }
058 |         #ID1 tr:nth-child(even) td { background: RGB(244,210,91); border-bottom:solid 4px RGB(244,210,91); }
059 | 
060 |         </style>
061 |         end_sw 
062 | (        "select   "  + 
          "  distinct  month ,  year "  + 
          "   from family  "  + 
          "  where month=02 and year =2022 "  + 
          "  ") return x;
063 |   
064 |     END ; 
065 |         BEGIN
066 |         position :  37,400,auto,auto : 
067 |          <img :"H:\MandragorePlanete\MS4BI\Designer\img\help\mgplaneteround.png"   >  ; 
068 |         END ;
069 |         position :  52,603,auto,881 : 
070 |         <Frame_Customize     : 
071 |            <Frame_Header      : "Example   FAMILY BUDGET  " + style : "border-color: RGB(0,0,255) ;  color: RGB(255,255,255);background-color: RGB(0,0,255); font-size : 38px">
072 |            <Frame_Body        : style : "background-color: RGB(128,128,128); height : 1406px"   > 
073 |         >;
074 |                 position:159, 618, 77, 841 :     <Label  style="background-color:RGB(0,0,0);color:RGB(0,0,255);font-size:28px;" : "Turn your excel application into a share  web bi application">  ; 
075 |     BEGIN 
076 |         position :  217,124,auto,585 : 
077 |         Ms4_Query: Custom {ms4db}   
078 |         Option  : 
079 |         BEGIN 
080 |         pagesize:30,
081 |         titlesql:0,  
082 |         inlineEdit:table : "Family" , field : "ACTUAL,PROJECTED", 
083 |          END 
084 |          title : "" 
085 |         #include "#CURRENTDIR+\Transaction03-ExExcelBudgetReportStyle3.css.ms4" 
086 | (            "select Family.rowid,  CATEGORY as toto,
087 | PROJECTED  ,
088 | ACTUAL,
089 | printf('%.02f $', PROJECTED-ACTUAL ) as   VARIANCE 
090 |   from  Family 
091 | where  
092 | month=2 and year=2022 and category not like('%Income%')") return x;
093 |   
094 |     END ;
095 | 
096 |         position :  287,760,auto,681 : 
097 |         <Frame_Customize     : 
098 |            <Frame_Header      : "  PROJECTED" + style : "border-color: RGB(83,169,255) ;  color: RGB(128,128,128);background-color: RGB(83,169,255); font-size : 28px">
099 |            <Frame_Body        : style : "background-color: RGB(138,217,255); height : 634px"   > 
100 |         >;
101 |     BEGIN 
102 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  DROP   VIEW IF EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40005   "); 
103 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW IF NOT EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40005  AS  "+ 
104 |          "  select category, PROJECTED  "  + 
          "  from family "  + 
          "  where "  + 
          "  month=2 and year=2022 and category not like('%Income%') "  + 
          "   ");
105 |         position :  311,854,275,353 : 
106 |         setting :            chart :         legend : 0  , 
107 |         FormMorris :    DrawPie ,height : "275", width : "353" title :"" ,    TYPE : $Donut , FORMAT: ""  use   View  ("tmp_gentable_ms40005") ; 
108 |     END ; 
109 |     BEGIN 
110 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  DROP   VIEW IF EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40006   "); 
111 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW IF NOT EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40006  AS  "+ 
112 |          "  select category, PROJECTED  "  + 
          "  from family "  + 
          "  where "  + 
          "  month=2 and year=2022 and category not like('%Income%') "  + 
          "   ");
113 |         position :  625,848,220,476 : 
114 |         FormMorris :    DrawBar ,height : "220", width : "476" title :"" ,   TYPE : $Column, FORMAT: ""  use   View  ("tmp_gentable_ms40006") ; 
115 |     END ; 
116 |         position :  982,763,auto,679 : 
117 |         <Frame_Customize     : 
118 |            <Frame_Header      : "ACTUAL" + style : "border-color: RGB(255,145,91) ;  color: RGB(128,128,128);background-color: RGB(255,145,91); font-size : 28px">
119 |            <Frame_Body        : style : "background-color: RGB(255,197,138); height : 453px"   > 
120 |         >;
121 |     BEGIN 
122 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  DROP   VIEW IF EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40008   "); 
123 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW IF NOT EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40008  AS  "+ 
124 |          "  select category, ACTUAL  "  + 
          "  from family "  + 
          "  where "  + 
          "  month=2 and year=2022 and category not like('%Income%') "  + 
          "   ");
125 |         position :  1007,796,460,536 : 
126 |         setting :            chart :         Redraw : 1,counter :99  , 
127 | 
128 |         FormPlus :    DrawBar ,height : "460", width : "536" title :"" , 
129 |                TYPE : $BAR
130 |              FORMAT: ""  use   View  ("tmp_gentable_ms40008") ; 
131 |     END ; 
132 |     BEGIN 
133 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  DROP   VIEW IF EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40009   "); 
134 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW IF NOT EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40009  AS  "+ 
135 |          "  select category, ACTUAL  "  + 
          "  from family "  + 
          "  where "  + 
          "  month=2 and year=2022 and category not like('%Income%') "  + 
          "   ");
136 |         position :  1070,946,311,474 : 
137 |         setting :            chart :         legend : 0  , 
138 |         FormPlus :    DrawPie ,height : "311", width : "474" title :"" , ANGLE :150 ,  TYPE : $Donut , FORMAT: ""  use   View  ("tmp_gentable_ms40009") ; 
139 |     END ; 
140 |     BEGIN 
141 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  DROP   VIEW IF EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40010   "); 
142 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW IF NOT EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40010  AS  "+ 
143 |          " select  "  + 
          "  printf('<b>%+.02f</b>',    "  + 
          "    sum(PROJECTED)  )  '∑  PROJECTED', "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f</b>',    "  + 
          "     sum(ACTUAL)  ) '∑ ACTUAL', "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f  $</b>',  "  + 
          "  (  sum(PROJECTED)- sum(ACTUAL) ) )  VARIANCE "  + 
          "   from family "  + 
          "   where "  + 
          "  month=2 and year=2022  "  + 
          "  and category not like('%Income%') "  + 
          "   ");
144 |         position :  1333,158,83,511 : 
145 |         Ms4_Query: Custom {ms4db}   
146 |         Option  : 
147 |         BEGIN 
148 |         pagesize:0,
149 |         titlesql:0,
150 |          END 
151 |         #include "#CURRENTDIR+\Transaction03-ExExcelBudgetReportStyle10.css.ms4" 
152 | (        "select  "  + 
          "  printf('<b>%+.02f</b>',    "  + 
          "    sum(PROJECTED)  )  '∑  PROJECTED', "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f</b>',    "  + 
          "     sum(ACTUAL)  ) '∑ ACTUAL', "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f  $</b>',  "  + 
          "  (  sum(PROJECTED)- sum(ACTUAL) ) )  VARIANCE "  + 
          "   from family "  + 
          "   where "  + 
          "  month=2 and year=2022  "  + 
          "  and category not like('%Income%') "  + 
          "  ") return x;
153 |   
154 |     END ; 
155 |         position :  1589,87,auto,739 : 
156 |         <Frame     :  $ms4_Frame_white 
157 |           <Frame_Header      : "INCOMES">
158 |           <Frame_Body : style : "height : 369px"   > 
159 |         >;
160 |     BEGIN 
161 |         position :  1627,130,auto,595 : 
162 |         Ms4_Query: Custom {ms4db}   
163 |         Option  : 
164 |         BEGIN 
165 |         pagesize:10,
166 |         titlesql:0,  
167 |         inlineEdit:table : "Family" , field : "PROJECTED,ACTUAL", 
168 |          END 
169 |          title : "" 
170 |         #include "#CURRENTDIR+\Transaction03-ExExcelBudgetReportStyle12.css.ms4" 
171 | (            "select Family.rowid,  CATEGORY as CatIncome ,
172 | PROJECTED  ,
173 | ACTUAL,
174 | printf('%.02f $', PROJECTED-ACTUAL ) as   BALANCE  
175 |   from  Family 
176 | where
177 | month=2 and year=2022 and category   like('%Income%')") return x;
178 |   
179 |     END ;
180 | 
181 |     BEGIN 
182 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  DROP   VIEW IF EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40013   "); 
183 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW IF NOT EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40013  AS  "+ 
184 |          " select  'INCOME' as INCOME, "  + 
          "   sum(PROJECTED ) as 'PROJECTED' , "  + 
          "   sum(ACTUAL)   as 'ACTUAL' , "  + 
          "   sum(ACTUAL)-sum(PROJECTED) as 'Variance' "  + 
          "   from family "  + 
          "   where "  + 
          "  month=2  "  + 
          "  and year=2022  "  + 
          "  and category   like('%Income%') "  + 
          "   ");
185 |         position :  1739,893,231,366 : 
186 |         <Panel     :  $ms4_Panel_red , <Panel_Header      : "INCOME                      PROJECTED & ACTUAL ">,<Panel_Body     :
187 |         setting : chart :         legend : 0         Redraw : 1,counter :99  ,  
188 | 
189 |         FormPlus :    DrawBar ,height : "231", width : "366" title :"" , 
190 |                TYPE : $Column
191 |              FORMAT: ""  use   View  ("tmp_gentable_ms40013") ; 
192 |          >           >;  /* end panel */
193 |     END ; 
194 |     BEGIN 
195 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  DROP   VIEW IF EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40014   "); 
196 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW IF NOT EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40014  AS  "+ 
197 |          " select  "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f </b>',   sum(PROJECTED)  )  '∑  PROJECTED', "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f </b>',   sum(ACTUAL)  ) '∑ ACTUAL', "  + 
          "   printf('<b> %+.02f  $</b>', (  sum(ACTUAL)- sum(PROJECTED) ) )  Variance  "  + 
          "   from family "  + 
          "   where "  + 
          "  month=2 and year=2022 and category   like('%Income%') "  + 
          "   ");
198 |         position :  1849,150,75,458 : 
199 |         Ms4_Query: Custom {ms4db}   
200 |         Option  : 
201 |         BEGIN 
202 |         pagesize:0,
203 |         titlesql:0,
204 |          END 
205 |         #include "#CURRENTDIR+\Transaction03-ExExcelBudgetReportStyle14.css.ms4" 
206 | (        "select  "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f </b>',   sum(PROJECTED)  )  '∑  PROJECTED', "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f </b>',   sum(ACTUAL)  ) '∑ ACTUAL', "  + 
          "   printf('<b> %+.02f  $</b>', (  sum(ACTUAL)- sum(PROJECTED) ) )  Variance  "  + 
          "   from family "  + 
          "   where "  + 
          "  month=2 and year=2022 and category   like('%Income%') "  + 
          "  ") return x;
207 |   
208 |     END ; 
209 |         position :  2093,154,auto,1185 : 
210 |         <Frame_Customize     : 
211 |            <Frame_Header      : "CASH FLOW" + style : "border-color: RGB(128,0,0) ;  color: RGB(255,255,0);background-color: RGB(128,0,0); font-size : 32px">
212 |            <Frame_Body        : style : "background-color: RGB(1,0,0); height : 391px"   > 
213 |         >;
214 |     BEGIN 
215 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  DROP   VIEW IF EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40016   "); 
216 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW IF NOT EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40016  AS  "+ 
217 |          " select  category as CASH , PROJECTED,ACTUAL , "  + 
          "  PROJECTED-ACTUAL as Variance "  + 
          "   from family  "  + 
          "  where "  + 
          "  month=9999 "  + 
          "  union all "  + 
          "  select  'Total Incomes', "  + 
          "  printf('%+.02f ',sum(PROJECTED ) ) as PROJECTED1  ,  "  + 
          "  printf('%+.02f ',sum(ACTUAL )   )   as ACTUAL1 , "  + 
          "  printf('<b>%+.02f  $</b>',sum(ACTUAL)-sum(PROJECTED ) ) as Variance1 "  + 
          "   from family  "  + 
          "  where "  + 
          "   category   like('%Income%')  "  + 
          "   and month=2 and year=2022 "  + 
          "   union all "  + 
          "  select    'Total Expenses', "  + 
          "   printf('-%.02f ',sum(PROJECTED ) ) as PROJECTED2 ,  "  + 
          "   printf('-%.02f ',sum(ACTUAL )  )    as ACTUAL2 , "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f  $</b>',sum(PROJECTED )-sum(ACTUAL)) as Variance2 "  + 
          "  from family  "  + 
          "  where "  + 
          "   category  not like('%Income%')  "  + 
          "   and month=2 and year=2022 "  + 
          "   ");
218 |         position :  2147,258,152,520 : 
219 |         Ms4_Query: Custom {ms4db}   
220 |         Option  : 
221 |         BEGIN 
222 |         pagesize:0,
223 |         titlesql:0,
224 |          END 
225 |         begin_sw : 
226 |         <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/ui/content/css/designer/css/tableresponsable0.css'> 
227 |         <table id="ID16"  class='table table-responsive  responsable0 table-shadow' >  
228 |         <style type="text/css">
229 |         #ID16 th { background-color:RGB(0,0,0);color:RGB(255,255,255);font-size:28px    }
230 |         #ID16 td { background-color:RGB(128,0,0);color:RGB(255,255,128);font-size:24px    }
231 |         #ID16 tr:nth-child(even) td { background: RGB(128,0,0); border-bottom:solid 4px RGB(128,0,0); }
232 | 
233 |         </style>
234 |         end_sw 
235 | (        "select  category as CASH , PROJECTED,ACTUAL , "  + 
          "  PROJECTED-ACTUAL as Variance "  + 
          "   from family  "  + 
          "  where "  + 
          "  month=9999 "  + 
          "  union all "  + 
          "  select  'Total Incomes', "  + 
          "  printf('%+.02f ',sum(PROJECTED ) ) as PROJECTED1  ,  "  + 
          "  printf('%+.02f ',sum(ACTUAL )   )   as ACTUAL1 , "  + 
          "  printf('<b>%+.02f  $</b>',sum(ACTUAL)-sum(PROJECTED ) ) as Variance1 "  + 
          "   from family  "  + 
          "  where "  + 
          "   category   like('%Income%')  "  + 
          "   and month=2 and year=2022 "  + 
          "   union all "  + 
          "  select    'Total Expenses', "  + 
          "   printf('-%.02f ',sum(PROJECTED ) ) as PROJECTED2 ,  "  + 
          "   printf('-%.02f ',sum(ACTUAL )  )    as ACTUAL2 , "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f  $</b>',sum(PROJECTED )-sum(ACTUAL)) as Variance2 "  + 
          "  from family  "  + 
          "  where "  + 
          "   category  not like('%Income%')  "  + 
          "   and month=2 and year=2022 "  + 
          "  ") return x;
236 |   
237 |     END ; 
238 |     BEGIN 
239 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  DROP   VIEW IF EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40017   "); 
240 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW IF NOT EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40017  AS  "+ 
241 |          " select  ' PROJECTED' as CASH, "  + 
          "      SUM(  "  + 
          "     CASE WHEN category like  ('%Income%') "  + 
          "      THEN  PROJECTED  *     1   "  + 
          "       ELSE  PROJECTED  *    -1  "  + 
          "     END  )  PROJECTED    "  + 
          "     from family   "  + 
          "  where  "  + 
          "    month=2 and year=2022  "  + 
          "  union all "  + 
          "  select ' ACTUAL' as CASH, "  + 
          "      SUM( "  + 
          "     CASE WHEN category  like  ('%Income%') "  + 
          "     THEN  ACTUAL*     1    "  + 
          "      ELSE ACTUAL *   -1   "  + 
          "     END  )   ACTUAL    "  + 
          "      from family   "  + 
          "  where  "  + 
          "    month=2 and year=2022  "  + 
          "  union all "  + 
          "  select  ' VARIANCE' as CASH, "  + 
          "      SUM(  "  + 
          "     CASE WHEN category like  ('%Income%') "  + 
          "      THEN      ACTUAL-PROJECTED "  + 
          "       ELSE    (ACTUAL* -1) - (PROJECTED * -1 ) "  + 
          "     END)  Variance  "  + 
          "    from family   "  + 
          "  where  "  + 
          "    month=2 and year=2022  "  + 
          "   ");
242 |         position :  2253,1010,214,248 : 
243 |         setting :            chart :         legend : 0  , 
244 |         FormChartJS :    DrawPie ,height : "214", width : "248" title :"" ,    TYPE : $Donut , FORMAT: ""  use   View  ("tmp_gentable_ms40017") ; 
245 |     END ; 
246 |     BEGIN 
247 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  DROP   VIEW IF EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40018   "); 
248 |         MS4_SQL{ms4db}("  CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW IF NOT EXISTS  tmp_gentable_ms40018  AS  "+ 
249 |          "   "  + 
          "    "  + 
          "  select  "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f  $</b>',   "  + 
          "      SUM(  "  + 
          "     CASE WHEN category like  ('%Income%') "  + 
          "      THEN  PROJECTED  * 1   "  + 
          "       ELSE  PROJECTED * -1  "  + 
          "     END) ) '∑ PROJECTED'  , "  + 
          "  printf('<b>%+.02f  $</b>',  "  + 
          "      SUM( "  + 
          "     CASE WHEN category not like  ('%Income%') "  + 
          "     THEN  ACTUAL* -1    "  + 
          "      ELSE ACTUAL *1   "  + 
          "     END)  "  + 
          "      ) '∑ ACTUAL' , "  + 
          "    "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f  $</b>',   "  + 
          "      SUM(  "  + 
          "     CASE WHEN category like  ('%Income%') "  + 
          "      THEN      ACTUAL-PROJECTED "  + 
          "       ELSE    (ACTUAL* -1) - (PROJECTED * -1 ) "  + 
          "     END) ) '∑ Variance'   "  + 
          "    from family   "  + 
          "  where  "  + 
          "    month=2 and year=2022  "  + 
          "   ");
250 |         position :  2367,494,89,473 : 
251 |         Ms4_Query: Custom {ms4db}   
252 |         Option  : 
253 |         BEGIN 
254 |         pagesize:0,
255 |         titlesql:0,
256 |          END 
257 |         begin_sw : 
258 |         <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/ui/content/css/designer/css/tableresponsable0.css'> 
259 |         <table id="ID18"  class='table table-responsive  responsable0 ' >  
260 |         <style type="text/css">
261 |         #ID18 th { background-color:RGB(0,0,0);color:RGB(255,255,0);font-size:20px    }
262 |         #ID18 td { background-color:RGB(128,0,0);color:RGB(255,255,255);font-size:28px    }
263 |         #ID18 tr:nth-child(even) td { background: RGB(128,0,0); border-bottom:solid 4px RGB(128,0,0); }
264 | 
265 |         </style>
266 |         end_sw 
267 | (        "  "  + 
          "    "  + 
          "  select  "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f  $</b>',   "  + 
          "      SUM(  "  + 
          "     CASE WHEN category like  ('%Income%') "  + 
          "      THEN  PROJECTED  * 1   "  + 
          "       ELSE  PROJECTED * -1  "  + 
          "     END) ) '∑ PROJECTED'  , "  + 
          "  printf('<b>%+.02f  $</b>',  "  + 
          "      SUM( "  + 
          "     CASE WHEN category not like  ('%Income%') "  + 
          "     THEN  ACTUAL* -1    "  + 
          "      ELSE ACTUAL *1   "  + 
          "     END)  "  + 
          "      ) '∑ ACTUAL' , "  + 
          "    "  + 
          "   printf('<b>%+.02f  $</b>',   "  + 
          "      SUM(  "  + 
          "     CASE WHEN category like  ('%Income%') "  + 
          "      THEN      ACTUAL-PROJECTED "  + 
          "       ELSE    (ACTUAL* -1) - (PROJECTED * -1 ) "  + 
          "     END) ) '∑ Variance'   "  + 
          "    from family   "  + 
          "  where  "  + 
          "    month=2 and year=2022  "  + 
          "  ") return x;
268 |   
269 |     END ; 
270 |         position :  2538,29,54,424 : 
271 |         <url : "https://templates.office.com/en-us/family-budget-tm10000094" , class:"btn btn-lg btn-success BtntextCenterMS4" , style: "width:424;height:54;font-size:14px" ,"https://...Model Excel Family budget"      >;  
272 |         position :  2614,41,auto,1663 : 
273 |         <Frame_Customize     : 
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276 |         >;
277 |         BEGIN
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279 |         <img :"H:\MandragorePlanete\MS4BI\Designer\img\help\03-ExExcelBudget1.png" width:"495" height:"349">  ; 
280 |         END ;
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282 |         position :  2660,607,auto,auto : 
283 |         <img :"H:\MandragorePlanete\MS4BI\Designer\img\help\03-ExExcelBudget2.png" width:"495" height:"349">  ; 
284 |         END ;
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286 |         position :  2660,1130,auto,auto : 
287 |         <img :"H:\MandragorePlanete\MS4BI\Designer\img\help\03-ExExcelBudget3.png" width:"495" height:"349">  ; 
288 |         END ;
289 | BEGIN  
290 |   
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292 |       DrawWindow : "Win00" , actions : $WinCustom +  $WinMinimize + $WinMaximize + $WinClose  , position :  3050, 780,950,1050  TITLE : "  Windows and Web: MS4 script Rapid Development" 
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297 |                begin_div : Frame "commentsmall"  /* style */
298 |             Interested in our project? %%contact@mgplanete.com%% 
299 |             \n  /b The Mg Planete team /b
300 |             end_div   ;
301 | position : 3315, 140, auto, 266 :
303 |  **the official sites :** \n
304 |  $$www.mgplanete.com$$ \n
305 | $$getms4bi.com$$        \n 
306 | $$demos.ms4bi.com$$     \n
307 | $$help.ms4bi.com$$        \n 
308 | $$www.ms4script.com$$  
309 |  
310 |  END_MARKER ;
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312 |         position :  3322,453,auto,auto : 
313 |         FormPlus : DrawQrCODE type : $URL ("https://getms4bi.com") ; 
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315 | End_TransactionWeb ;