** MANDRAGORE PLANETE https://getms4bi.com GLOBAL #include "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\zInclude\IncludeSysMs4Windows.h" CHAR : Msgframe1:255,Msgframe2:255, Gnumber:6; INTEGER :X,I,ystop; INTEGER : Inverse := 1,Noinverse :=0 ; End_Global Begin_Main Screen_PRESENTATION(Void) ; End_Main PROC Screen_PRESENTATION(Void) begin_proc LOCAL CHAR : PostalAddress:512 := " $n $n $n 15 rue des Halles $n 75001 Paris $n FRANCE $n New Branches Opening Soon :$n .Bordeaux, FRANCE $n .Austin, USA $n .Montreal, CANADA "; INTEGER : Exit_TRANS1 :=0; LONG : Color1 ; CHAR :FilePath:255,FileCurrentDir:255, fileMgPlaneteLogo:128, filehandlcur:128 ; End_Local Begin_Transaction : Trans1 Execute Transaction With Exit_TRANS1 != 1 Begin_Dialog BackgroundColor : Color(192,193,218) WinExtendStyle : :WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE WinStyle : :WS_OVERLAPPED & CenterDialog 1, 1, 800,600, "MS 4 : Presentation ",UserDialog ** Frame0 is Shadow/Ombre Frame 12,1,723, 593, Frame0 Attribut : FillColor : 144,136,176 FrameColor : 144,136,176 SetColorText : 166, 69,111 DrawText : Dt_LEFT SetFonts : 12,8,0,0,Fw_EXTRABOLD,0,0,0,"Arial" Frame 10,1,720, 590, Frame1 Attribut : FillColor : 192,193,218 FrameColor : 255,255,255 SetColorText : 166, 69,111 DrawText : Dt_LEFT SetFonts : 12,8,0,0,Fw_EXTRABOLD,0,0,0,"Arial" Frame 52, 2,675, 50, Wtitle1 Attribut : FillColor : 144,136,176 FrameColor : 250,250,250 SetColorText : 185,50,90 DrawText : Dt_CENTER SetFonts : 30,18,0,0,Fw_EXTRABOLD,0,0,0,"Calibri" /* Bar des options ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Frame 15,60,155, 438, Frame2 Attribut : FillColor : 192,193,218 FrameColor : 255,255,255 SetColorText : 166, 69,111 DrawText : Dt_LEFT SetFonts : 12,8,60,0,Fw_EXTRABOLD,0,0,0,"Arial" Frame 15,60,155, 32, Wtitle2 Attribut : FillColor : 255,255,255 **144,16,176 FrameColor : 250,250,250 SetColorText : 185,50,90 DrawText : Dt_LEFT SetFonts : 12,8,0,0,Fw_NORMAL,1,1,0,"Arial" PictureGIF 94,62, "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\zPicture\Gif\droite01.gif",Gifms42 ** or constante path or see you : loadPicture .. /* -Text Demo---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Frame 170,60,560,435, Frame3 Attribut : FillColor : 236,255,191 FrameColor : 166, 69,111 SetColorText : 0,0,0 DrawText : Dt_LEFT SetFonts : 12,8,0,0,Fw_NORMAL,0,0,0,"New Courrier" Frame 170,61,560, 32, Wtitle3 Attribut : FillColor : 0,0,0 FrameColor : 250,250,250 SetColorText : 255,255,0 DrawText : Dt_CENTER SetFonts : 21,12,0,0,Fw_EXTRABOLD,0,1,0,"Arial" PictureBMP 220, 100,"#SYSPATHMS4BI+\zPicture\Bmp\mgplanete.bmp",Bmpeu ** or constante path or see you : loadPicture .. Frame 450,110,260,360, Frame4 Attribut : FillColor : 236,215,191 FrameColor : 166, 69,111 SetColorText : 0,0,0 DrawText : Dt_LEFT SetFonts : 18,8,0,0,Fw_NORMAL,0,0,0,"Segeo UI" Frame 450,110,260,30, Wtitle4 Attribut : FillColor : 236,215,143 FrameColor : 166, 69,111 SetColorText : 0,0,0 DrawText : Dt_LEFT SetFonts : 12,8,0,0,Fw_NORMAL,0,0,0,"New Courrier" /*Exit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Elliptical 2,540,48,48, Cercle1 Attribut : FillColor : 201,255,160 FrameColor : 144,136,176 ShadowText : -1, -3 Color(0,255,0) SetColorText : 166, 69,111 DrawText : Dt_CENTER SetFonts : 12,8,0,0,Fw_EXTRABOLD,1,1,0,"Arial" ButtonRegionChild 2,540,48,48, ButtonQuit Create : Info " Option @ Exit ", Use Cursor "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\zPicture\Cursor\hand-l.cur" , PictureGIF 60, 540,"#SYSPATHMS4BI+\zPicture\Gif\GifAnimate\iExplorer.gif",Gifexplorer ** or constante path or see you : loadPicture .. ButtonText 140 ,540, 180,25, " www.mgplanete.com ", Buttonwww Create : Info " Internet @ www.mgplanete.com", Use Cursor "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\zPicture\Cursor\hand-l.cur" PictureGIF 340, 540,"#SYSPATHMS4BI+\zPicture\Gif\courrier.gif",Gifcourrier ** or constante path or see you : loadPicture .. ButtonText 370, 540,220,25, " contact@mgplanete.com" ,Buttonemail Create : Info " Option Internet @ Email : Contact MANDRAGORE", Use Cursor "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\zPicture\Cursor\hand-l.cur", PictureGIF 610,510, "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\zPicture\Gif\jumelle.gif",Gifjumelle ButtonRegionChild 610,510,80,60, Buttonjumelle Create : Info "Notepad @ Load source pgm " Use Cursor "#SYSPATHMS4BI+\zPicture\Cursor\hand-l.cur" End_Dialog Begin_Splash BackgroundColor : Color(192,193,218) WinExtendStyle : :Ws_Ex_TRANSPARENT WinStyle : :Ws_POPUP & CenterDialog 0,0,150,120 ,"MS4 : Wait APP ",Splash1 Frame 10, 10,120,90, wtitleSplash Attribut : FillColor : 144,136,176 FrameColor : 250,250,250 ShadowText : 1,2 Color(0,0,0) SetColorText : 185,50,90 DrawText : Dt_CENTER SetFonts : 20,8,0,0,Fw_NORMAL,0,0,0,"Arial" End_Splash /* 1 once ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Begin_Initialize SetWinTxt(Wtitle1:" MANDRAGORE PLANETE & MS4 BI "); SetWinTxt(wtitleSplash:" MANDRAGORE PLANETE "); SetWinTxt(Wtitle3:" Presentation "); SetWinTxt(Wtitle4:"MANDRAGORE PLANETE"); SetFontsGroup (12, 8, 0, 0,Fw_NORMAL,0,1, 0, Ansi_CHARSET, Out_DEFAULT_PRECIS, Clip_DEFAULT_PRECIS, Default_QUALITY, Ff_SWISS, "Segoe UI":, Buttonwww,Buttonemail) ; SetWinTxt(Frame4:PostalAddress); SetWinTxt(Cercle1:"Exit"); Color(192,193,218) return(Color1); SetColorText(Buttonwww:Blue, Color1);SetColorText(Buttonemail: Blue, Color1); GetDirSysPathMS4BI(filePath); concatene filePath, "\zPicture\PgmBmp\mgplanete.bmp" into fileMgPlaneteLogo; concatene filePath, "\zPicture\PgmCursor\hand-l.cur" into filehandlcur; ShowSplash(Splash1: 2500) ; End_Initialize SetAttrTextOrientation(UserDialog:32,noinverse,160,160,red,Color1," Design By MANDRAGORE PLANETE " ,20,8,0,0,0,0,"Verdana"); OpenDialog(UserDialog) ; /* Draw Focus */ IsOnSetCursorList(Buttonemail,Buttonwww,ButtonQuit,Buttonjumelle) return (X); IF (X Not_Void) THEN SetCursor( filehandlcur); DrawFocusRectList(); End_if ; IsOnSetCursor(ButtonQuit) return (X); IF (X Not_Void) THEN DrawFocusRect(ButtonQuit); End_if ; BEGIN /* Exit Transaction */ /* Exit application */ Require x := Pressed(ButtonQuit); IF (X Not_Void) THEN SetStatusDialog(UserDialog:Sw_HIDE); Exit_TRANS1 := 1 ; End_if; END ; BEGIN /* Click on MANDRAGORE Site MANDRAGORE */ Require x := Pressed (Buttonwww) ; IF (X Not_Void) THEN SetHourGlassCursor(); Internet_Navigate("www.mgplanete.com"); End_if ; END ; /* Affiche le programme source */ Require x := Pressed (Buttonjumelle) ; IF (X Not_Void) THEN SetHourGlassCursor(); Clear FilePath,FileCurrentDir; GetDirSysPathMS4BI(filePath); Concatene filePath,"\zDemo-Simple\Windows\win-00-MandragorePlanete.ms4" into FileCurrentDir; Load_FILE_NOTEPAD(FileCurrentDir); End_if ; End_Transaction ; end_proc ** ***************************************************************************************************** ** LOAD FILE WITH NOTEPAD.EXE ** ******************************************************************************************************* PROC Load_FILE_NOTEPAD(char fileNotepad:255) begin_proc LOCAL CHAR : LabelMsg:255,Directory:255,Labelmsg2:255 ; End_Local SetHourGlassCursor(); concatene "notepad.exe ",Filenotepad inTo LabelMsg ; SysCommandWindows(LabelMsg) return (X); IF (X=2)** not found notepad.exe then GetSysWinDir(Directory); concatene Directory,"\notepad.exe ",Filenotepad inTo LabelMsg; SysCommandWindows(LabelMsg) return (X); End_if; end_proc